Monday, 31 January 2011
10 Online Strategies for your next product launch
Beverly Cornell is the marketing and social media director at Mango Languages, a provider of self-study language learning products that teach actual conversation skills and culture, now available in 28 different languages. Learn more at
Long gone are the days when announcing a new product was simply a matter of putting together a news release, sending it off over the wire and counting on major news outlets to spread the word. Today, because consumers are able to get information from a variety of sources and platforms, a successful product launch requires an integrated approach; one that includes traditional, social and online marketing tools. Here’s a look at how to focus these approaches into one concerted effort around a product launch.
1. Traditional Methods
Even though new media seems to get all the glory, traditional television, print or radio media outreach remains an effective way to expose a never-before-seen product to the masses. Be sure to clearly spell out the elements of your product that make it newsworthy. How is it different from your existing products? How is it different from other similar products? What benefits does it provide to the consumer? You can also go a step further and subscribe to Help a Reporter Out, ProfNet and NewsBasis. These are great resources for connecting with journalists who are looking for experts and story ideas.
Don’t discount other proven methods like advertising, trade shows, speaking opportunities, promotional events and direct mail. Ignoring them can lead to wasted opportunities. If you invest the time to truly understand the demographics and behaviors of the people you’re hoping to reach, you’ll know if these traditional methods are worth your time and investment.
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Before you begin your online efforts to market your new product, you must have a “home base,” which ideally is a search-friendly website or blog. When launching a product, to aid both potential customers and contribute to optimized search engine performance, consider creating a product-specific landing page that features photos, descriptions and/or video. Make sure this page is appropriately coded for search, complete with keyword-rich copy, title tags, header text, a unique URL and meta information that succinctly describes your new product. Make sure this page is visible and easily accessible from your home page, at least for its initial release.
To build your online content library, consider enhancing your traditional media outreach efforts and social media news presence by distributing your product press release using paid services with both text-only and multimedia options, such as PR Newswire, PRWeb and PitchEngine. If you’re looking for a less expensive route, Free Press Release and PR Log allow you to share news for free.
3. E-mail Marketing
E-mail marketing is a fantastic way to provide specialized content to people with whom you’ve already built relationships. Consider offering a pre-order for your new product, exclusive only to e-mail recipients. Or, offer a sneak peek at the new product before it’s released to the public. This will help to nurture and reward your existing relationships and continue building on the trust you’ve already earned.
Additionally, you may set up an e-mail drip campaign that sends messages on a regular schedule at timed intervals to keep your product or service top-of-mind with your customers, and also to keep the sales funnel flowing.
4. Online Advertising
Tools such as Google AdWords (and other pay-per-click services) can boost awareness and funnel parties directly to your product. Online advertising allows you to get in front of a specific audience but with wide reach.
Another option is to do some research to determine the most widely read blogs and sites in your industry and also those frequented by people in your target markets. Advertising is often the main revenue generator on these sites and blogs, so it’s a great way to begin building relationships with the editors and site operators for a chance to get in front of the people who are most inclined to care about your product.
Don’t overlook opportunities to advertise on social networks. Some have predicted that $4 billion will be spent on Facebook advertising alone in 2011. Marketers are already realizing the benefit of getting in front of this giant’s more than 500 million users.
If you choose to pursue any of these options, make sure the ads are clickable and direct all referrals to a targeted landing page on your company’s website. This page should have content specific to the new product, along with information on how and where to purchase it.
5. Social Networks
When your product is ready to go, inform your current customers and brand enthusiasts by updating your existing social networks. Whether you have a presence on one of the well-known platforms and/or another niche social network, craft catered messages for each. But, don’t just post to any of these social networks and walk away. There are many tools available to help you manage multiple social network profiles, keep the information up-to-date and continue to communicate with your connections, while providing the social proof needed for people to buy.
Naturally, these networks are filled with potential for people to share your information. For this reason, make sure you provide valuable content. Try different mediums for discussing your new product, such as videos, podcasts, photos and/or live chats. Many people are now getting their news, or topics of interest, from social networks and e-mail sharing, so this is a perfect place to get your product information in front of an audience that has already been “sold” on your business.
6. Geolocation
If you have a physical location your customers frequent, utilize geolocation tools like Foursquare or Gowalla to further your marketing gusto. By closing the gap between online marketing platforms and a physical store, you are encouraging sales through different channels and fully connecting the buying experience. Offer special deals for your business’ mayors, and promotions for your best customers; this kind of strategy goes a long way in creating a lot of buzz for your new product.
7. Group Buying Sites
Groupon, Living Social, Deal On, My Daily Thread and other collective buying sites continue to grow in popularity and offer the opportunity to introduce and incentivize the purchase of your product to an opt-in audience. These sites give you the ability to customize your product offer by market and expand the product’s reach beyond those who are already familiar with your company.
8. Blogger Outreach
Blogging has grown tremendously in the past five years. Even though Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2010 report found that 65% of blogger survey respondents are hobbyists, it’s likely you’ll find several bloggers in your industry who have very active communities and traffic/subscriber numbers that blow traditional media websites out of the water.
Blogger outreach goes hand-in-hand with traditional media outreach when it comes to generating interest for a new product, and the approach and methods used are much the same. Understand the blog, its audience and its content before sharing information about your product. If it makes sense, offer your product for the blogger to review.
When working with bloggers, remember this golden rule: Treat them with the same respect as you would traditional journalists.
9. Social Media Influencers
Using a strategy similar to traditional media outreach, take the time to research, locate and understand the most active social media users in your target markets. These people are at a unique advantage, having earned a large and tuned-in set of viewers, listeners and followers. While the payoff might not be immediate, creating relationships with these highly influential people can lead to valuable long-term opportunities.
While there is no universally accepted way to define and measure influence, using tools like Twitter Grader andKlout will give a good indication of the major players in the social space and in your specific industry or market. You can also take it one step further and narrow your search by category. Tools like Twello allow you to search a directory filtered by self-identified expertise, interests and professions. This can be especially helpful for identifying Twitter users in a subfield that directly relates to your new product.
10. Online Retail Sites
Invest in partnership opportunities with well-respected online retail sites to improve the availability and credibility of your business and product. Advertising on sites such as Amazon, eBay and Google Product Search will place your product in an environment searched by people that have already identified themselves as inclined to buy.
Amazon, specifically, offers a program called Amazon Advantage that allows sellers to delegate order fulfillment and shipping to Amazon. In addition, these products are eligible for “Free Super Saver Shipping” and are labeled as “shipped and sold by” This provides buyers with the peace of mind they might not have when buying from an unknown vendor or site.
Get Customer Feedback
After your product has launched and your marketing and public relations strategies are underway, use a program like Radian6, Awareness, Netvibes, HootSuite, etc. to monitor your customers’ responses to your new product. This is a prime opportunity to open up the lines of communication with your customers and to show you care about and will listen to their feedback to improve future products.
To include your customers in your company’s product development and initiatives, consider tools such asUserVoice or GetSatisfaction to get an idea of what the people would like to see in the future.
With all of the social media tools available today, companies are truly missing out if they don’t evaluate the opportunities to execute a social/online strategy that complements their traditional marketing and PR programs for a product launch.
While it’s not commonplace for all of these tactics to be used, they should serve as a launching pad for your company to be creative and to choose the best strategy for you.
What experiences do you have with integrating traditional and online methods to make a product launch successful? What opportunities would you add?
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
What is Automated Marketing?
What is Marketing Automation? How Can Marketing Automation help my business?
In an earlier po
An emerging new market, fueled by some remarkably simple technology has been created to enable businesses to solve this age old challenge...enter Marketing Automation.
Marketing Automation 101
Marketing Automation is the name given to software platforms that seek to simplify and automate repetitive tasks within Marketing departments. Software vendors typically provide these platforms as a hosted or web-based solution, and so there is little-to-no software to install.
These services are ideal for any company wishing to retain visitors and customers, improve conversions, reduce marketing costs, and streamline sales operations, and are often the mainstay of any B2B and B2C business that is on the web.
Important Product Features to Consider
Since the concept of Marketing Automation is relatively new, vendors will offer a varying choice of product features. It is then a wise choice to evaluate each vendor carefully and choose the one that best solves your immediate and long-term marketing and sales problems.
Overall, the most common feature one may find when evaluating vendors are listed here:
• CRM Integration: Ideally suited to align Marketing and Sales - bi-directional CRM integration allows for CRM data to be easily manipulated from within the Marketing Automation platform.
• Web Analytics: Incorporation of web analytics data, allows you to segment, score, and qualify prospects based on their website-viewing habits.
• Lead Nurturing: Automates the process of qualifying Leads and increases up-sell rate by keeping current customers engaged.
• Lead Scoring: Quality metrics applied to each Lead and Prospect, relative to that of others in your database.
• Email Marketing: Email Marketing platform designed to launch email campaigns to targeted prospect groups.
• List Management: Ability to segment your database of leads and target them with focused campaigns and programs.
• Reporting: An obvious feature for any product, as you can't tune your marketing initiatives if you can't measure the response-rates.
The above list is a broad overview of the necessary pieces to achieve a successful Closed-Loop marketing process. As noted above, every vendor in the marketing automation space will have his own twist to these individual pieces, so choose the one that's right for you.
In my next post, I'll share with you more about how marketing automation works and we'll talk about the ROI benefits to your business...and your life.
If you'd like to discuss how marketing automation can help you grow your business, please give me a call at 877-890-2555 or email me at
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Ask not what your network can do for you - ask what you can do for your network…
This sounds contrary to what most of us think is the purpose of networking. Aren’t you networking to get new business or important contacts? Yes, in theory, but the best way to make this happen is to help OTHERS get new business and connect them to important contacts. Remember: People want to help those that help them or, what goes around comes around. However you want to word it – it works.
Try putting this into practice at your next networking opportunity; however, you have to remember that the pay back doesn’t necessarily happen right away, but be patient, and you will be amazed at the results!
Check out these great events and networking opportunities we have attended recently - make plans to join us next time:
Metroplex Technology Business Council Technical Luncheon –
BizTech Roundtable – Dallas -
Dallas Ft Worth American Marketing Association’s January Dallas executive luncheon –
Technology Entrepreneur’s Exchange (Texchange) – Austin -
Brainstorming Networkers – Austin -
Austin American Marketing Association (AMA) Luncheon – Austin -
AMA National – Regional Board Meeting Retreat – Houston
Austin Women in Technology -
Texas Women in Business -
Oracle Tech Data Training – Dallas -
Monday, 24 January 2011
A Case for Automated Marketing
The answer is simple: Traffic, conversion and new revenue.
The Internet has matured as a verifiable channel for filling your sales pipeline with pre-qualified prospects. With this maturation, the need to apply science and, well, technology to your web strategy is becoming more important than ever.
While this is all fine and dandy (and necessary!), my inquiring mind has to ask the question:
"So, what are you doing with the 95% of the prospects that you're not successful at closing right away?"
Let's see, we're spending thousands, if not millions of dollars trying to get our ideal customers to visit our website and 'opt-in' to some sort of compelling offer...but yet, we're content to let 95% of that investment languish and die a slow, unprofitable death because we haven't figured out a way to efficiently or effectively follow up and nurture these types of prospects.
We’re now seeing a number of great solutions that are enabling businesses, large and small, to automate many of the marketing functions, which historically, have been very time consuming and inefficient.
If you’re interested in immediate help in increasing your revenue by automating your marketing, please give us a call at 877-890-2555 or email me directly at
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Wrestling Match at the "Corner Drug Store"
I’m not one to wrestle. However, the only thing stopping me from wrestling the supervisor at the “Corner Drug Store” (let's call it the “CDS” for short) today was me being only 5’2 and petite.
After recently relocating to Austin I am still unpacking boxes and today I came across my cherished ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. This cleaner uses ammonia, but was bone dry in order to make the move. During my lunch break today, I stopped by the “CDS” to pick up some items and while there I remembered that I needed the ammonia. It was easy to spot in the cleaning supply aisle because the store was fully stocked with huge jugs of it all in a neat row; all clearly marked with price tags. Keep in mind that this was not just one bottle stuck on a random shelf somewhere in the store.
After waiting in line to purchase my items for some time (only one cashier trying to serve all of us that decided to buy something at the “CDS” during our lunch hour), a Supervisor came over to help speed things along and I happened to be next in line. As I placed my items on the counter, he asked me (rather abruptly), “Where did you get that Ammonia? “ I thought the question a bit odd, but I simply told him that I had gotten it on the cleaning supply aisle with the other ammonia. His response was again an odd one, “We do not carry that brand. I’m going to talk to my manager.” After what I assume was a conversation with his Manager about my apparently “rogue” ammonia, he returns and announces, “You can’t buy that Ammonia. It’s not our product. We don’t sell it.” This was just a bizarre turn in my otherwise normal day since I had simply grabbed some ammonia off a well stocked shelf of the same. My pleas for the wanting to still purchase the errant product fell on deaf ears and I was forced to leave knowing I would have to go another day without clean jewelry.
Have you ever been to a store that wouldn’t sell you something that was neatly stocked on their shelves complete with a price tag?
All my sales training friends out there cringing as I tell my tale- contact me as I will put you in touch with the “Corner Drug Store” immediately – they need you.
Monday, 17 January 2011
Marketing and PR Trends for 2011 - Communication Strategies for Uncertain Times
The following are the topics we discussed:
• How has the recession affected you and your client’s marketing/PR efforts over the past two years?
There has been a bit of a downward trend in marketing however, in the last 6 months the activity has started picking up. Over the last 2-3 years companies want to check in on their ROI more than before and they are more aware of really staying on top of their PR investment.
Companies are much more interested in measuring and analytics and moving away from branding and awareness campaigns that cannot be measured as clearly.
Association & non-profits are more mindful about the programming they are presenting and making sure that are compelling enough to draw good attendance during tight economic times. They are also leaning more toward Social Media for marketing than before.
A lot more interest and willingness to look at ways to tie marketing more directly into their sales efforts and working together instead of doing separate efforts. More measureable leads to the sales force.
Clients are noticing that with the rise of social media outlets like YouTube and FaceBook that all campaigns have to incorporate these types of outlets to be successful. Not just a novelty, but a key element to keep up to speed with everyone.
• What changes have you made to safeguard against future economic shocks?
Making sure that you have the social element to your communications plan just like ensuring you have a good website, etc. Then integrate it with your website and other elements.
Create a crisis plan to safeguard your branding and your integrity; both for economic issues as well as for things that happen on the internet like YouTube, etc. Be ready with an answer to something that creates bad press and be watching to catch things as soon as they happen so you can head it off at the pass.
• What trends are you seeing unfold in marketing and PR at the start of 2011?
Integrate the new trends with the traditional means. Direct mail pieces to include your
Social media
Must see social media as a part of traditional media and not such a novelty or add- on.
2009 – 2010 people were learning that press releases needed to be more social and need to be released on social media outlets, etc. and not just press release sites.
Using Twitter will become more and more important. More members of the press are being forced to cover more things and can’t be on the phones, etc. as much and they are using Twitter to find newsworthy events faster and more efficiently.
Add videos, bios, etc. to Press Releases
Traditional marketing (print, direct mail, etc.)
Not everyone has embraced Social Media so; don’t give up on direct mail and the personal touch.
You need to touch your contacts and leads with all types of communication along with traditional marketing and social media. Compact the message on all fronts. A newsletter needs to be compact with links to get to the full story and compelling headlines.
Your message has to be consistent, but also unique. Social Media and Direct mail have different needs for the type of message. Consider your different audiences.
Must have very clear call to action in that compact message.
Event marketing
Companies moved away from events during the economic downturn, but are starting to come back to events and they are realizing that you need that face to face interaction to develop and build relationships.
The economy created a trust issue with companies out there and events build relationships which in turn builds trust. People do business with those they know and those they trust.
You have to stay ahead of the game. The younger generations have such a short attention span and are always looking to the next “big thing”. You need to make yourself the next “big thing”.
Lead nurturing: How do you stay in front of your contacts and nurture your leads?
Leads should be touched at least 1x per month through email, direct mail, newsletter, or having an ongoing list of contacts that you call each day.
Everyone is overwhelmed and we need to know how to realistically create a lead nurturing plan. BrightBlue Marketing’s Virtual Marketing Outreach can help by answering that issue and helping you to touch leads with little time or thought.
You must create valid reasons for you to stay in front of your leads/contacts: send them news items/trends/studies/something about one of their competitors, etc. Just keep them informed and to have a productive reason to stay in front of them.
Many companies don’t understand this important area of their website and, as a result, many times they don’t integrate the words, phrases and other elements that they need to create SEO on their websites. However, SEO done right and well can make a huge difference on your bottom line. It takes thought and effort, but is excellent means of free traffic beyond Social Media.
Your Website should have calls to action and they should have constant activity with blogs, sign up clicks, etc. You do not have to pay for advertising and pay-per-clicks to get on top of the search engines. It can be done for free by keeping your website fresh and always updating.
Blogs take time but they keep activity on your website but they also bring a personal touch to Social Media and increase SEO on your website. This makes blogs well worth the time investment.
Email in boxes are so full that you have to become creative in your subject lines and make them teasers so that the recipient will take the time to open your email. Once they open your email, your message must be relevant for them to continue to open your future emails.
Put information people need on only one avenue (FaceBook, Blog, etc.) and then use all the others to drive people to that one place.
Use video email.
In closing:
It doesn’t have to be perfect – just get out there and start doing it.
For further reading:
1. 2011 Marketing Resolutions to Consider
2. Do you agree with Ingrid Helsingen Warner at LEIDAR Communications that, “2011 communication strategies need to be more like jazz.”
3. Customer Experience Strategies for 2011
4. 2011 – The Year to Evolve or Become Extinct?–-the-year-to-evolve-or-become-extinct/
5. The year in email marketing
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Is cold calling really necessary?
Very few
It’s really a pretty simple process as there are basically only three sources for an Initial Appointment with a target. They are:
1. Lead generation marketing campaigns that get people to raise their hands and tell us they are interested
2. Networking and referrals
3. Cold calling
To figure out if we need to cold call (and how much if we do), follow this formula:
- How many Initial Appointments do I need in a year to hit my sales goal? (You can use our Activity Calculator (free on our website or send me an email at
- From that number, subtract the following:
- The number of Initial Appointments we get from marketing programs
- The number of Initial Appointments we get from networking activities and referrals from customers
- Whatever gap there is between the number we computed in step 2 subtracted from the result in step 1 is the number you’ll need to fill with cold calling. There is no other alternative.
Two last caveats –
- Cold calling works best when we do it on a consistent basis, so we must figure out how many we need on average and do some every day, or at least, week.
- Marketing, networking and referrals can sometimes not generate what we expected, or an economic downturn can cause us to need more. Make sure you’re looking at your results each week to see if you need open the cold calling spigot to make up the difference – did I mention there is no other alternative?
Monday, 3 January 2011
A Marketing Birth Announcement for 2011!
Have you built a new product or service from scratch or been part of the process?
Some might say giving birth to a new product or service is worse than giving birth to a human! Do you agree?
Well, after all the hard work, sweat and tears shared by me, my designer, Karen Lang, and our wonderful web developers at WarbWeb, I’m proud to say it’s finally here:
Welcome, Virtual Marketing Outreach! (
We feel like proud parents announcing the newest member of the BrightBlue Marketing family: Virtual Marketing Outreach (His nickname is VMO)!
You will have access to our best genes… Each of us applied our years of marketing/web/design experience and lessons learned to ensure VMO has all the best practices worked in.
A little bit about our boy VMO… The best way to describe VMO is as a “Marketing in a Box” Lead Nurture Program -it’s an exciting new way to reach your contacts, prospects and clients on a consistent basis. That way you will stay top of mind when they are ready to buy!
VMO can take the form of many activities… By providing you a variety of marketing activities to choose from each month, the chances you’ll get your message heard and remembered is increased. Depending on the package you choose, the menu will include:
Direct mail postcards,
Email Bulletins,
Industry letters,
Press Releases,
Success Story Postcards,
LinkedIn Activities, and
Thought Leadership Activities
For each activity VMO makes your life easier by providing
A wide variety of design variations
Several branding color palettes for you to choose from
Written content you can edit or substitute with your own
A connection directly with our printer so you can mail your activities to your lists
BrightBlue Marketing experts on hand via our help line to answer all your questions, and help you through the process!
So please introduce yourself to our new family member VMO by going to Sign up for a year long relationship and receive a 10% discount!
Or if you are not ready to sign up and just want to chat, contact us by email at or go to
We look forward to sharing our marketing ideas with you!
A toast for 2011... May all your marketing efforts bring you tons of success in 2011!
Creatively Yours,
Candace and the BrightBlue Marketing Team
(This blog was written jointly by Candace Lopez-Miller and Karen Lang)