We recommend that you be on the lookout for the new BrightBlue Marketing offering in the works. I’ve been talking to Candace about it at length, and it’s just amazing. We call it Virtual Marketing Outreach (VMO), which offers monthly campaigns to your prospects and clients. Why is this so important? To make YOUR company come to mind first when they need products or services (aka “top of mind”).
You might say to yourself, well, we send out e-mails kinda regularly. Be honest, is it the same old cut-and-dried “Who We Are” verbiage time and again? That’s why VMO is so supercool; we give companies something fresh and compelling to send out every month to their clients. There are different levels of VMO service, too, so you can purchase only the parts of the program that make sense for your company and/or your budget.
We wanna talk MORE about it. If you do, too, then contact us! We’re right here, ready to help you, just like always.
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