What?!? No one said anything about me making it happen. A dream is supposed to float around in the mythical mists of our mind and we smile angelically each time it passes through our thoughts hoping someday, something will happen and that dream will magically come true. Right? Wrong. Making it actually happen sounds complicated, difficult, scary, and where on earth would I even start? Well, as Kevin says in his video – you start right where you are. Don’t try to see the path ahead of you because you can’t. Look straight down at that one step in front of you and then – take it. Then, look straight down at the next step right in front of you and take that one. The journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Very deep, I know, but seriously it is true. If you want to write a novel, make a pact with yourself to write one page every week – even if it isn’t very good; if you want to start a new business start doing some market research on it; if you want to see the Eiffel Tower start finding a way to get there.
Let me tell you a story about me. From the first time I had ever heard the words “Paris, France” I wanted to go there – that was my dream! And in my dream I was going to fall in lo
That is the story of one of my dreams coming true, but not the end of my dreams – there are plenty more where that one came from! Tell me – what is your dream? Do you want to start a new business and share your personal passion with the rest of us? An important lesson we should all learn is that you should do what you love every day of your life. Remember, there is more than one way to make a dream come true and we are here to help you find a way – we want to make your business dreams come true and can come up with lots of ways to do it!
DREAM BIG DREAMS…..then go make it happen!!
Here is an interesting article that talks more about dreaming big dreams:
Hello relicaexpo. For all those entreprenuers out there with great ideas and visions, there is a useful message in this blog. And that is to inspire them to move these visions beyond a dream and make it happen. One will be surprised what great things come when you make that move. (I speak from experience.) Please share with us the story of Relicaexpo, whose vision was it? How did they make it a reality? That would be useful to all of us as it pertains to this blog! Thanks.
Yes..i would like to start a new business and i don't have as big dreams as you had..
Event Manager CV
It sounds like you do have a big dream and it is time for you to just take that first step - whatever that is - for you to move toward your own business! It may be to check out the local gov't website to see how to start an LLC (it's not as daunting as you may think) or doing some market research about the type of business you are looking at starting.
Either way, start somewhere and keep dreaming!
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